A well-implemented and optimised robots.txt file, differing for blogs, eCommerce stores, or even content sharing platforms like UploadArticles.com.au, is bound to enhance your website’s security and indexing system. A robots.txt file has immense importance in SEO as it dictates which of your website’s pages can be crawled or restricted.
This tutorial will help you with all the steps regarding the creation and upload of robots.txt files for both UploadArticles.com.au and any other website you may need.
What is a Robots.txt File?
A robots.txt file is a simple text file that is uploaded in the root directory of the website. It contains instructions for the search engine’s bots like Googlebot and Bingbot on how to crawl your website pages. It allows you to:
- Prevent unnecessary pages from being crawled and indexed
- Block the search engines from duplicate or private materials
- Allocate more bandwidth for crawling important pages, optimising the crawling budget
Step 1: Generating a Robots.txt File
An online generator or manually creating a robots.txt file works equally well.
Manual Method
Take the Notepad application or TextEdit and open it.
Add crawl directives using the following format:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /private/
Allow: /
Sitemap: https://yourwebsite.com/sitemap.xml
The next process is working with a Robots.txt Generator.
Using a Robots.txt Generator
If business activities and programming are not your cup of tea, you can use these free sites:
Google Robots.txt Generator
SEOClarity Robots.txt Generator
Step 2: Uploading the Robots.txt File
Add Alternative Sitemap: Once you’ve generated the robots.txt file, follow these steps to upload it to UploadArticles.com.au or any other website:
For WordPress Users
Log in to your WordPress Admin Panel.
Go to Yoast SEO→Tools→File Editor.
Upload or edit the robots.txt file and save the changes.
For cPanel Users
Log in to your web hosting cPanel.
Open File Manager, public_html folder.
You will see several folders; upload robots.txt in this directory.
For FTP Users
Connect to your server using FileZilla or any FTP client.
Public_html or root folder.
Drag and drop robots.txt to directory.
The next is Step 3: Confirming, Testing the Robots.txt File, and Validation.
To ensure your robots.txt file is correctly set up:
Use Google Search Console’s Robots.txt Tester for any errors.
Visit the page directly: https://yourwebsite.com/robots.txt.
Change rules as you see fit to ensure your SEO goals are achieved.
Final Thoughts
A properly set up robots.txt file improves your SEO ranking, security, and indexing. Make sure you implement these steps if you want to work on UploadArticles.com.au or other platforms because this will help you manage search engine bots and improve the overall performance of your website.